Wednesday, February 04, 2009

This little sad sack is going to get his teeth cleaning tomorrow. It's kind of an ordeal because they have to knock him out in order to do the job, and last time he was not a very happy camper. The vet called us at about 2:30 saying that Henry was ready to come home. We couldn't get over there until after work, so I guess they had another 2 1/2 hours to listen to him bark/ cry/ screech until we got there. He actually barked himself hoarse, poor little guy! Tomorrow we will pick him up as soon as he is ready to go, as I have the day off to go get him. For his sake, and the vets!


Michele said...

Ah, poor Henry! I hope everything goes well for him...and for you! No one likes going to the dentist. :-(

p.s. I finally saw Wall-E and loved, loved, loved it! I've been walking around the house for days now saying, "Eva! Wall-E!" Or I use that voice to call my cats: "Frida! Baggy!" I should probably stop because I think I'm scaring them...

My name is Andrea said...

It's a very hard voice to mimic, isn't it? I was doing it too! Ha ha!
Henry had to have 2 teeth out... poor him physically, and poor me financially! Ouch! He's worth it, at least he'll never need braces or a university education!