Friday, July 18, 2008

Cooling off...

Here's Henry on his first swim in the ocean of the year. I was being the nervous nelly though, as there's a pack of seals in the area, and they've been known to attack dogs from time to time, so we were keeping him pretty close to shore. He just loves swimming, nd he's good at it! We always joke that he looks like an X-Large rat that escaped from the freighter when he gets out of the water... well, an XL, XCute rat!


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I had no idea seals would attack dogs. Then again, how often do they end up in territorial disputes? Not often, would be my guess. :-)

My name is Andrea said...

Yeah, I don't think it's super common was a black lab that was attacked at the same park a couple of years ago, and it survived and was fine... but look at my Henry! He'd be a goner!

Unknown said...

Oh, he's so cute!!! I love yorkies!
My baby is a yorkiepoo.
Please keep an eye on him when he's swimming. Tell him I said he can be Bambam's boyfriend. LOL

My name is Andrea said...

He's actually an Australian Silky terrier... just looks a lot like a Yorkie! Just a bit bigger! His best friend is a Yoriepoo...

Michele said...

I don't blame you for keeping that little cutiepie close to shore when seals are nearby. If they'll bite a surfer, they'll certainly nip a pooch. Can't stand to think of anything bad happening to Henry!

Sygnet Creations said...

he is adorable.. I wish we had a small puppy.. but we move so often I would feel like it would never really feel like it had a home !

T.Allen said...

Hi Henry! Who knew seals were uh...not pup-friendly. Wow!