Wednesday, August 16, 2006


OK, I was going to post a photo of the skunk we caught in our planter last night, but the photos just didn't do him justice...
Yes, we came about 5 feet from getting sprayed. We caught him on the path going out to the street, managed to sneak by him, only to find him on our patio when we returned home, having a great old time, eating the berries on the Salal plant and fallen bird seed (those birds are messy!)
So we shoo him away, only to be woken up by Henry at 1:30 am whining and pacing... I look outside, and who's back? You guessed it! Cute little guy, but not someone I want hanging around on a permanent basis. Warren sprayed him with some water, hopefully that'll deter him. I'm not counting on it though...

This is a collage I made for my friend Sam.

1 comment:

carylsrealm said...

Lucky Friend! I love it! :)