Monday, May 19, 2008

I worship Darwin

Well, worship might be a *bit* strong, but I think he was one of the greatest minds that ever existed. My Dad and I went to see the Darwin exhibit at the ROM when we were in Toronto. It was fantastic. I was shocked to learn that the exhibit couldn't get any major sponsorship from the usual suspects that sponser the big exhibits, because the nature of the subject matter (evolution) might offend some of their customers. I couldn't believe this was an issue here in Canada. I've always thought of Darwin as this guy with the beard in the photo, but the show really chronicled his life starting from chidhood. It was a great insight into the man, not just the icon (or pariah, depending on which side of the fence you're on!)that he has become.

1 comment:

Gray Eyed Scorpio said...

Sounds like a great exhibit! I actually considered naming my son Darwin, but feared people would lash out.