Sunday, October 01, 2006


This is a Flicker (?) that we noticed around the area last fall when we moved in to our apartment. It disappeared in early spring, and recently made its return...
I've become the biggest bird nerd... We have feeders out, and get 5 or 6 different species of Finch, Sparrow, Chickadee and my personal favorite, the Bush Tit. No, not a typo...
We've also had a Hummingbird (just once!) and recently a Stellar's Jay.
See? Bird nerd.


Anonymous said...

You are a bird nerd!

Michele said...

Wow, Andrea, that is the most beautiful photograph. It's so clear, I feel like I can reach out and touch that lovely little bird.

A Bush Tit... Clearly different from the Bush Boob in the White House, hmmm? ;-)