Saturday, May 09, 2009


Oh my... I think I'm going through a teenage regression of sorts... I LOVED Twilight! It was one of those books that I could barely put down. I was looking forward to going to bed so I could read read read! I don't know what it is. I just love a tortured love story, which is exactly what this is. The book delves much deeper into the relationship between Bella and Edward. The tension, the intimacy, the emotions and feeling of first love. Stephenie Meyer has a knack for putting those feelings on paper, and making you, the reader, feel them right along with the characters. I've put New Moon on hold at the library and I'm picking it up tomorrow - yippee!


Just a Puppy in the Mud said...

you are not alone. i STILL think about isla esme, or whatever it's called. i'm 36. oh goodness...


Michele said...

I've missed the whole "Twilight" boat... I'm still watching reruns of Buffy. I'm so old. :-(

p.s. One of my blogging buddies, Mel in South Africa, is writing about Twilight right now, too. Clearly it's an international treat!