Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gran Torino

I went and saw this last night with some girlfriends. What a great film! It was widely dissed at the Oscars this year, and didn't really get all that much attention in general. Maybe it hits too close to home for a lot of people?
Clint Eastwood plays such an interesting character in this movie. It's really a story of salvation, redemption and sacrifice, all on his part.
Two thumbs up for me!


cabin + cub said...

We saw that one a few months ago. I thought it was good, although my husband said Clint Eastwood always plays the same rough and gruff character.

Michele said...

I missed this when it was at the cinema, so am waiting for the DVD. My parents really liked it, too. Although my mom complained that Clint used "the F word" too often. My mom hates that word. ;-)

My name is Andrea said...

He does play the same sort of character, but I thought he was kind of a different character in this one because he was so racist... rather shocking hearing all of those slurs that you just don't hear in day to day life!

SLICE magazine said...

Great movie... cried when he died.. sigh

Michele said...

SLICE magazine, are you kidding giving away the ending??? I wrote that I haven't seen it yet. Boo to you!